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The Legends

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Location: Pilani, Rajasthan, India

Hindi Drama Club, BITS, Pilani, is the official body responsible for all the activities related to Hindi Theatre on the BITS campus. Enjoying the enthued, dedicated support of a lively and talented member mass, HDC(as its famously called)'s flag has been flying high!!


There are people who come and go
And there are people, who live forever.

There are people who dream
And there are people who inspire others to dream too.

There are people who choose the oft-treaded path
And there are people who pave way for themselves.

There are people who are led by others
And there are people who choose to lead themselves.

There are people who succumb to the darkness in their lives
And there are people who believe in


HDC pays a tribute to the ones………………………………..

Who thumped hardest every time we sang..
Who sang together to the tunes of celebrations..
Who made every play seem lifetime experience…
Who inspired to do even better next time…
Whose memories make us smile and cry too…
Who made us realize all ends are new beginnings…
Who made all the difference to our lives…..and still do….

The empty audi stage still awaits their arrival…..
And the applause refuses to fade away……………